Setting the Bar and Leveling the Playing Field

Check our newest feature article from Construction in Focus “Setting the Bar and Leveling the Playing Field!”

“According to Reynolds, it starts at the top with Alan. “He has a true compassion for the people that he works with. He always says the people make the company, not him. His name may be on the building but it’s the people that work here that make the company what it is. It goes beyond just digging ditches and putting pipe in the ground; it goes to how we treat one another, the way we treat our clients, the way we treat our vendors.”

“They’re all a part of the big puzzle that is Boudreau Pipeline wet utility construction. We care for what the people who work with us care for: feeding the hungry, homing the homeless, training kids in school. We are building a better life for community and family.”

Construction in Focus donated a portion of their proceeds directly to our Charity Car Show.

We want to give them a shout out thanking them for their very generous contribution and spotlight on our charitable activities and community outreach!